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What Is Beta HCG Test Cost?

What Is Beta HCG Test Cost? Have you missed your periods this month? This might be an indication of pregnancy. To confirm whether you are pregnant or not you can take up  Beta HCG test . You must be wondering what Beta HCG test is. Well, in this article I will discuss the following points in detail so that you understand the use of the beta HCG test in detecting pregnancy. Beta HCG Test: An Insight Types of Beta HCG Tests: A Quick Overview Beta HCG Test Results: What Do They Mean? Beta HCG Test: An Insight Beta HCG test is basically used to detect pregnancy. But its clinical importance does not end here. It is also used: To determine the age of the pregnancy (gestational age). To detect genetic diseases in the developing fetus like down syndrome. To detect potential miscarriage. To detect ectopic pregnancy. Apart from pregnancy-related factors, the beta HCG test is used for non-pregnancy-related health conditions. The beta HCG is known as a tumor ...
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