Prolactin Test Are you suffering from infertility ? Then, you must check the prolactin hormone levels in your body by performing a prolactin test . You must be wondering what prolactin hormone is and why am I suggesting a prolactin test. Don't worry I will discuss the following points in detail that will help you understand about prl test . Prolactin Test – Overview Why Should You Undergo a Prolactin Test? How to interpret the Prolactin test results? What are normal vs. high or low prolactin levels? All you need to know about the Prolactin test price How Bloodtestforhome can help? But before discussing the above points let me give you a brief about prolactin hormone and its functions in our bodies. What is Prolactin? Prolactin is a hormone produced by lactotroph cells present in anterior pituitary glands. Prolactin levels are low in males and non-lactating and non-pregnant girls. But the level of prolactin hormone increases during pregnancy and childbirth. Prolactin contributes to...
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